
Kevin Patel went to Valdosta State University and he has graduted Spring 2020 with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. Along with being a full time student, he is helping with their family bussiness and seeking a entry level position as a Web Developer in Florida.


Kevin has graduated on May 2020. He is currently looking for a job where he can further his skills and experience in Computer Scince.

Coding Experience

Kevin has coding experience in Java, C, Python, Database, html, and R language.


Movie Searching System:

We made a Movie Searching System using java and MySQL. As a team, we pulled data from imbd and rotten tomatoes to show the ratings from both websites.

Hospital Management System:

We created a Hospital Management System that allowed private hospitals to make appointments and holds patient records and other personal information.

Other Experience

Work Experience:

Kevin has experience working with Java using Ecliplse. He also has experience working with Linux and Github.

Teaching Experience:

Kevin was a teacher/tutor at Cook High School during two summers teaching Algebra. He was also a tutor at Cook High School for 3 years. His duties were to help students with homework and test preparation.

Research Experience:

In Computer Ethics, Kevin worked with a few others on a research paper. The research paper was about how cell phone towers are effecting animals and humans. His second research paper was on how 5th generation internet works. The main foce of the second research paper was about how companies use new waves to incresce the internet speed.

Other Activies